Generic mouse for Macintosh 128, 512, 512e, Mac Plus, Apple //c, IIc plus and Apple //e with mouse card. New condition - SPECIAL $12.00 (reduced from $19.00).
Minimum shipping: $10.00 per order for UPS ground delivery to continental US for residential delivery, $8.00 for commercial delivery. Please contact us for exact shipping on large or international orders. Overseas orders will only be sent insured with customs form listing merchandise and price.
Visa or Mastercard accepted. Call 619-225-8281 to order. Or send check or money order. California residents please add 8 3/4% sales tax. Send to:
- B&R Computer Services
- PO Box 7195
- San Diego CA 92167
- e-mail at:
Version 12.0 updated May 2010
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